Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Diary of an old man

Today was not any special day. Just a regular hot summer day like yesterday or last friday. And this also passed.
Lights have been turned off. Sound of fans!!! Ohh they are not in use anymore...Complete silence it is!
Whole day passed again doing nothing, just sitting around and yeah taught some school children.
It's nap time. Here i slept in rest.
It's 5:00 in the morning. As always, i awoke early, went for morning walk and sat for my meditation. Time runs fast and it is already 8:00 am.
But suddenly everything has changed. Something has happened but i don't know what it is. I have been asking for newspaper for last 15 minutes but nobody is even paying attention to my call. Everybody in involved in their own activities. Ok, i will go and take a bath. I asked my daughter-in-law to fill bucket with water but she passed me as if i am not even present there. What is happening today!!
I bathed and sat on my bed thinking, am i no longer welcomed in this family! Have i lost my importance just because i am old and can't take care of myself! Do my family feel ashamed of me!
I was lost in my thinking when suddenly room's door opens and my grandson enters the door. A sudden joy fills my heart. Atleast he still wants to spend time with me. I am of some importance to him.
But alas, he screamed and ran out of the room. Have i become so ugly in a day that my own grandson sees me and screams. Or is there something else behind me which scared him.
I turned back to find the reality. What is this?? I am sleeping with stain of some white substance at my mouth. How can i be sleeping when i am just sitting. Puzzled,unable to decide what is happening, saw my son and his wife enters the room and they screamed too. Somebody! somebody explain to me what is happening and why everybody is screaming and Now crying. Why they are not even talking to me, instead crying looking at the other me who is sleeping? Ohhh, i can think of something now. I wish i am wrong. But that  means they still value me. I am not completely lost.
But,I am Dead!!

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